27 Apr 2016

Save e-Resources – Future crisis

Just as we are currently trying to save our nature, days are not far when we need to save our e-resources. We will have similar crisis for all e-resources soon. So you will ask me how can one help prevent this. I feel every one of us is currently contributing to this problem in some way and each one of us can help reduce this problem. So can we reduce the misuse of e-resources that we are doing? If we want to save our e-resources for our generations to come then we have to think about this seriously. I am talking about the wastage that we are not even realizing while using the e-resources. So what waste am I talking about? Things like Internet bandwidth that we are wasting in forwarding long unnecessary messages or downloading the same image or video repeatedly. Storage that we are wasting in storing images, songs, videos that we are never going to use or view or listen to.